Tyre recycling for consumers

Find your nearest tyre back-collection point where you can hand in your tyres free of charge

Recycling for end consumers

Used tyre back-collection in the Czech Republic

Every end customer is entitled to free disposal of worn tyres by handing them in at back-collection points.

Every tyre manufacturer or importer is obliged to ensure the back-collection and processing of 80% of the tyres placed on the market in the Czech Republic. This can be done through the ELTMA collective system or individually. Then our company comes in and provides back-collection and processing throughout the country.
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Tyres found during reconstruction

Have you bought an old barn or are you clearing out a property you inherited? Often you find a need to dispose of a large number of old tyres. In this case, you are not considered the end consumer. However, we will arrange the environmentally friendly disposal for you in the waste regime.

Contact us for a quotation.
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Why is tyre recycling important?

More than 70,000 tonnes of waste tyres are produced in the Czech Republic every year. That's roughly 7.5 million passenger tyres. Such a quantity is not easily lost, and it is therefore necessary to process tyres continuously with maximum efficiency.

Fortunately, there are ways to make use of waste tyres. They hold a high potential for energy and material recovery.

Frequently asked questions

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Used tyres are waste, with costly logistics and processing. So you can take your tyres to back-collection points free of charge, and their environmental recovery is paid for by tyre manufacturers and importers.
The answer to this question is twofold:
  1. Yes, conventional tyre burning is very bad and produces large amounts of substances that are hazardous to health. In any case, do not try to use tyres as a substitute for solid fuels in your home.
  2. However, the use in cement factories is certainly not bad. The combustion temperature is so high that tyres burn completely without residue within seconds. The remaining materials such as iron and sulphur bind to the product produced when the clinker is fired and so there is also a material recovery.
Unfortunately, that is not possible. Your tyres have accumulated in connection with your business and therefore cannot be taken back to the collection points. You therefore have two options. Have the tyres disposed of as the waste and pay for their disposal or join one of the networks of collection points. You will then become a collection point and the tyres from your customers can be dropped free of charge at your place.
In the Czech republic, the end customer can hand in the tyres at the tyre back-collection points. You can choose any back-collection point from the ELTMA or GREEN tyre back-collection network.

Do you need help?
Contact us and we will figure it out

Tyre recycling department
Tyre recycling department
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